Earthquake Insurance
While earthquakes in Virginia are rare, they can actually be more devastating than the same earthquake size in a California community because Virginia homes are not designed and built to withstand a tremblor as a California home might be.
Earthquake damage is not covered under a standard homeowners policy, so it may behoove you to consider additional earthquake coverage. Earthquakes, including land shock waves or tremors before, during, or after a volcanic eruption, explosion or effusion are covered with this policy. The premium depends on the construction classification for your home and the amount of Coverage A-Dwelling insurance on your home. It is subject to a special deductible equal to 2% of the amount of Coverage A-Dwelling insurance.
As an example, the premium for earthquake insurance on a brick home insured for $500,000 under a Homeowner Form HO-3 would be $325 with a deductible of $10,000. This deductible applies separately to Coverage A-Dwelling, Coverage B Other Structures, and Coverage C-Unscheduled Personal Property.
Earthquake Coverage cannot be added to your policy until your home is re-inspected by the Society for pre-existing earthquake damage.
Contact your Mutual Assurance Representative for more information on adding earthquake coverage to your policy.