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Storm Preparedness Checklist – Make sure you are ready for the next big storm

Whew! One third of the 2022 hurricane season is behind us and to date, there have been only three named storms - Alex, Bonnie, and Colin - and they haven't exceeded tropical storm strength or lasted more than a day.

By even more revealing measures, this year's storm season has had a slow start. By August 1st, an average year produces nine days of tropical storm or hurricane activity. This year, the number of "named storm days" is only 3.25, or about 30% of its normal production.

Still, the season doesn't really get going until tropical waves start to roll off of Africa and get revved up over open water, using moisture from the ocean to produce thunderstorms (tropical waves are not waves in the ocean but low-pressure systems in the atmosphere). Typically, this happens after August 1st, when 90% of the Atlantic's tropical activity, and nearly all of its hurricanes, occurs.

In mid-August of each year, NOAA updates its hurricane activity predictions based on how water temperatures, Saharan dust, tropical wave development, and wind shear are changing - key elements affecting storm development. You can see if there are any changes by clicking here.

Storm Preparedness

Assuming NOAA sticks with its earlier prediction of an above average hurricane season, are you prepared? Is your home? We have developed an easy-to-follow chart that can help you feel confident that you have done all you can to protect your home and family in the event of a hurricane.


Sources: ArsTechnica, NOAA,



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