Umbrella Policy
Personal Umbrella Liability Policy (PULP)
You do not need to be wealthy to be sued. Everyday risks can expose anyone to a large loss.
The Top Four Reasons
You should get a personal umbrella policy.
Liability risks are everywhere.
What could go wrong,
may go wrong.
Auto accidents, dog bites, guest injuries, recreational vehicle accidents, social media activities.
If something happens, are you covered?
Without it, you could lose everything.
Your savings, your investments, retirement, future earnings, maybe even your home.
All are at stake.
It's the cheapest $1 million policy you can buy.
For a low annual fee, you can protect all you have worked so hard for.
We offer UM/UIM coverage.
This protects you against losses caused by uninsured drivers underinsured drivers, and drivers who leave the scene.
Car related losses are the most common umbrella claims.
Mutual Assurance Society of Virginia is pleased to offer Personal Umbrella Liability Protection along with your
Homeowners Insurance policy.
Protect what you have worked hard for. An Umbrella policy provides necessary protection, typically in excess of your home and personal auto policy. It may even pay for losses not covered by those policies.
Talk to your Mutual Assurance representative about adding umbrella coverage to your homeowners policy and rest easy knowing your investments, earnings, retirement, and future earnings are protected.
Or call us at 800-648-1794